Can I use without register?
Egsoft After-sale Service is a shareware, even if you are not registered can also use the software most of the functionality, but the number of registered version of the data have limitations and can not get our technical support. If you want long-term use of this software, you must be registered in order to experience the power of the software.
Reinstall system needs to pay attention to?
As the software dongle, reinstall the system or replace the computer does not need to re-register. Only need to back up your database and backup of your configuration. Backup the database by clicking the top menu 'Data' " 'Backup Database', export configuration methods is to click at the top of the menu 'Tools'" 'Export Configuration'
Backup and restore database needs to pay attention to?
Backup database, the database backup files can not be saved in "My Documents", "Desktop" and other special system directory, it can not be saved in the root directory, the directory can be shaped, such as "c: \ test \", if the restored database with the backup the database is different from recovery select "WITH REPLACE"
Can use on X64 systems?
Yes. As the SQL Server 2005 express can not be directly installed on the x64 system, so the database server at your own installation.
Sold enough stock tips how to do?
Inventory can be out of storage and inventory changes. If you do not want to determine whether sufficient stocks could be in the "System Options" and check "Allow negative stock."
Why can not run in some systems?
Phenomenon is the double-click the shortcut icon, but no response, there are no software interface. This is most likely with the system's Data Execution Protection, is generally common in server systems. The solution is to "My Computer", click the right mouse button , select "Properties", click on the "Advanced" tab, point the first performance of "Settings" button, click on the "Data Execution Prevention" tab, if it is selected the second option, point "add" button to the installation directory under the chosen point main.exe determined.
The software can change the title of our company name?
There dongle users can by clicking the menu "Tools" "" Edit show title".
The software that comes with SQL can use for how long?
Currently easy to bring their own SQL Server 2005 Express, which Microsoft released a free version, there is no time limit, and the conditions are ripe to seamlessly upgrade to a more advanced version, you can rest assured that use. For more Express Edition and Enterprise Edition of the difference, please refer to the following article http://bbs.egsoft.cn/topic.aspx?topicid=188
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