Key Features
Report Designer
Report Designer uses the Happy Report developed by DataNew company, more suitable for our usage. The following brief overview:
- A row of buttons below the toolbar is a common report components, including a text box (Insert text), picture frame (insert picture), etc.
- The taskbar on the left field is based on the different statements have been defined in advance. Drag to report directly to the appropriate location can be;
- Predefined variables defines a number of variables commonly used data, such as page number, etc.;
- Predefined formulas, including the sum (), avg () and other standard formula;
design of the main:
- Table header: table header in the contents of the report only shows the beginning of each page at the top;
- Page header: the content within the page header shows the top of each page in the report;
- Details: Details of the content within the page header is displayed in the bottom of each page, according to the number of records in different rows are different;
- Footer: footer at the bottom of each page displayed in the report;
- Footer: Table shows the details behind the tail, if the report is multiple pages, then the last page.
happy you read the official statements after the demo animation that will help you how to make an appropriate statement of their own have a better understanding of